2021 Secrets Revealed
For 26 years, my team has poured heart and soul into the Convention at the Samoset. Like all our HR friends, we had to move quickly to innovate and deliver this year, and that required a double dose of heart and soul.
Maine’s HR Convention was one of the very few conferences to go live online last spring, providing content and camaraderie to over 850 registrants. And, just a few weeks ago, a virtual audience in 29 states witnessed Strategic HR 2020 (the Mt. Washington conference).
We learned much from these experiences, including how to think one step ahead of the virtual conference world. Consider our work in 2020 as just the stepping stone to 2021.
Three secrets revealed!
- The 2021 Convention will remain true to our unwavering values: providing progressive HR education; curating unique experiences; treating our participants as we treat our families; and using the conference as a community-building vehicle.
- The 2021 Convention will take you on a journey around the state to witness the best of the best in Maine HR, and it will provide content appropriate for the screen and the demands HR faces in this moment.
- The HOPIN technology is the 2021 Convention platform. In 2020, we were among the first customers of what is now considered to be one of the premier online conference systems. We will employ that system for creativity, delivery, and fun next May.
You’ve likely received the schedule and budget news for 2021. Just in case, here’s the link to that information. Over the next few weeks, I’ll share additional information revealing keynotes, content, and the creative measures you can expect in May.
Bud Bernstein
Curator for the Maine HR Convention