Jeff Buckwalter

Jeff is the CEO and Co-Owner of The Holy Donut, a family-owned company specializing in making donuts from scratch made with Maine potatoes. The company currently has 2 locations in Portland and one in Scarborough and has plans for future locations. Jeff grew up in rural Indiana before moving to Farmington, Maine in 1989 where he graduated from Mt. Blue high school in 1992. He went to the University of Maine in Orono where he majored in Journalism and where he met his wife, Elizabeth Buckwalter. They have been married for 20 years and they have three children; Riley 19, Griffin 16, and Kady 14 and live in Scarborough. Jeff quit his corporate job in the resort and hospitality business in 2013 and made the leap of faith into the family donut business his In-Laws started in 2012. Having never managed restaurants before, he had a steep learning curve to learn the business and first help the company become profitable and secondly, help lay the foundational on which the organization can grow into the future. Jeff has been the beneficiary of the help and guidance of several generous mentors and many exceptional co-workers along the way to help him develop. He’s on an endless journey to learn to lead more effectively and learn what it takes to build a kind, thoughtful and enduring company that puts its employees first and challenges them to grow and realize their dreams and the company’s vision: To be the preferred destination for unique donuts, coffee, employment and positive vibes in each of their markets.