Kenji Saito, MD

Kenji Saito MD, JD, FACOEM 

Dr. Saito is President and Chief Medical and Science Officer of LiveWellWorkWell, a MedLaw LLC company and President of the New England College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and Vice President of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. As assistant clinical professor at Dartmouth College, University of New England, and adjunct faculty at the University of Pennsylvania, Kenji enjoys training the next generation of leaders in digital health, innovations, data analytics, leadership, business of Occupational Health, medico-legal and bioethics. As an entrepreneur, he is currently involved with several startups in digital well-being, culinary and lifestyle medicine platforms in the Boston and Los Angeles area and with environmental remediation technology in the Miami area. He is also a consultant and advisor to several companies in the Transportation, ManufacturingNutraceutical/Pharmaceutical industries and work with various Government Agencies.