Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer – TrustSphere
Manish Goel has more than 15 years experience in the software and services sectors, and is a Partner of Greenoak Capital Partners, a venture capital firm specializing in technology and data analytics investments. Manish was previously an Investment Director with PwC Venture Partners, PricewaterhouseCoopers’ London-based principal investment unit focused on investments in the technology sector. At PwC Venture Partners, he led the Investment Selection team, his specialization being Financial Services Technology (FinTech). He started his career as a management consultant in PwC Consulting’s Strategic Change practice. Manish also served previously as the Chairman of the Online Trust Alliance Board of Directors (, an industry alliance formed to protect the vitality of the online ecosystem and promote best practice, policies and technologies which enhance trust in e-commerce globally. The Online Trust Alliance is now an initiative of the Internet Society.