Mari Ryan

Mari Ryan, CEO and founder of AdvancingWellness, is an expert in worksite wellbeing is a widely recognized speaker for her expertise in this area. She leverages over 30 years of business experience in various marketing, consulting and executive roles across a variety of different industries. For the past decade, Ms.

Ryan has been creating healthier businesses and impacting the lives of employees, through her consulting work and speaking on worksite wellbeing. Mari earned a Bachelor Degree from Lesley University, an MBA from Boston University, a Master’s degree in Health Promotion from Nebraska Methodist College, and is a certified Worksite Wellness Consultant. She is the founder and former Board Chair of the Worksite Wellness Council of Massachusetts and is a member of the Board of Directors of Health Promotion Advocates and Global Women 4 Wellbeing. Mari is an active member of the National Speaker’s Association.