• Congratulations! Your business has just acquired another small company, and as HR Director, you’ll be leading yet another ‘tuck-in’ integration. No worries, right? You’ve done this a dozen times before. But the employees from the last two acquisitions and the legacy employees are still not playing nicely together, and you and your team are exhausted from leading this much change.
  • The business finally landed a new CIO who comes with a great record and credentials. They’re bringing in some new leaders and building a new team to fuel the technical turnaround your company needs. Everyone’s excited…except maybe many of the ~400 IT employees with long tenure and a well-earned reputation of resisting change.
  • The strategy that has always worked in your company just isn’t…well…working anymore. Sales, customer satisfaction, employee engagement and speed-to-market are all down. The only stat that’s rising is employee turnover. Your CEO turns to you for help.

While HR can’t be the only function leading change, it has to be the most capable one.

  • Are you anticipating a change in your business and worried about how your employees will adjust?
  • Are you facing the possibility of a structural change in your organization and don’t know where to start?
  • Are you midway through an organizational change and wondering why progress is stalled and people are resistant?
  • Ever wish there was a playbook or a toolkit that would help you figure this stuff out?

There is a playbook. There is a toolkit. Join the Leading Organizational Change Cohort at Strategic HR at Mt. Washington in October to expand your expertise and build your toolkit.